The New Paystack
A year from launch, we rebranded and upgraded our website

Paystack is almost a year old since we went beta in January. In this period of time, the product has evolved to better solve the problem of online payments. However, we’ve not done a good job of telling our story and documenting our progress. This rebrand is a step in that direction.
The Brand
Paystack aims to be super easy, yet very trustworthy. That’s a tricky dynamic, but we’re lucky to have a name that reflects that. The word “stack” fits tight and snug into the concept of trusting easy. A stack is an easy thing to create, yet stable when it all comes together.
The new logo is a “P” just like in the old logo, but this time it’s made up of a stack. You see it and you just get it — it’s a perfect metaphor. The carved rounded edges soften the form, to look friendlier without being too playful and cliché.
The good guys at Da Design Studio helped us create this, and we’re super proud of the results. To read more about our new brand, download the synopsis here
The Website
The old website worked for us as entrants to the space, but with time it said nothing about how we’ve grown nor the features built into Paystack.
We rebuilt the website from scratch to showcase our depth, and to be modular and extensible as we add new features. Over the next few months, we’ll be adding more sections (e.g a much needed help section).
If you care about the details of the new design, and the design decision that went into it, we have it documented here.
The new website is live now at